West Edge Opera 2025 Festival Chorus Auditions, December 2024
West Edge Opera will be hiring a 12-voice SATB chorus for its 2025 Summer Festival.
This group will sing in all 3 of WEO’s summer productions, each in a different style:
1. French Baroque – David & Jonathan by Marc-Antoine Charpentier,
2. New Opera - (world premiere of Dolores by Nicolàs Benavides),
3. modern classic - Wozzeck by Alban Berg.
Chorus director will be Mark Morash. Chorus musical rehearsals will take place twice a week beginning May 29, 2025, leading up to first stage rehearsal on June 27. Most chorus staging rehearsals will be on weekends and weekday evenings. The nine performances will be August 2 – 17. Total stipend for each singer will be approximately $2,500. There will be several opportunities for small roles in each show.
All interested, experienced professional singers are invited to contact
Music Director Jonathan Khuner at jkhuner@sonic.net
Please attach your résumé along with a very brief statement of interest. It will be helpful if you include a link to any recent audio or video recordings which represent your current singing. You can also email an audioclip (if less than 12 MB).
Some singers will be contacted for audition or direct offer. First round of auditions will be in Berkeley on Tuesday, December 17 (daytime and evening), where singers can choose their own representative/relevant repertoire.
For further information about West Edge Opera, visit the company’s website: www.westedgeopera.org/festival .